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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

ACT ON THIS: Dentyne Pushes Lesbianism

Slowly, inch by inch, corporations are increasingly pushing the acceptance of homosexuality and homosexual marriage onto the public.

Dentyne has an on-line commercial in which they want the viewer to select the ending. This commercial will show you where Dentyne is headed with their advertising. To view this commercial, click here and then click on the bottom right square scene just to the left of the number 4 button. (Warning. This scene shows two lesbians passionately kissing. Those desiring not to see the commercial can simply skip the short video and proceed to the action section below.)

Sadly enough, this is where many companies are headed with their advertising.

The promotion of the homosexual lifestyle, and homosexual marriage, will continue until one advertiser feels the disgust in their pocketbook. Only then will all advertisers take notice of those who are fed up having the homosexual lifestyle pushed on them and their children.

Here's the letter I wrote:
Dear Chairman Sunderland and President Irwin,

I find your decision to market Dentyne chewing gum through the promotion of lesbian licentiousness to be morally disreputable. I ask that you pull the commercial from your web site. I am sick of companies such as yours continually pushing the homosexual lifestyle.

I'll never chew Dentyne gum again.

Email your letter here.

Linked: WritingRight

Thoughtful Readers Speak:
You poor thing- bless your heart. No one is pushing a lifestyle, people are just trying to BE...do you understand that? Why don't you leave them alone. If you hate gays so much, maybe you should learn from Jesus...

Jesus was the first to hang out with those that you pharisees view as "sinful" and not judge them...why not do just one simple thing? LOVE your neighbor, even if that neighbor is different than you. Why is that so impossible for you who are supposedly "Christian"?
On the contrary, if you truly love someone you will affirm what is morally right and in their best interest.

Do you think Jesus wanted the tax collectors to continue stealing from the people? Do you think Jesus wanted the prostitutes to continue sleeping with many men? Do you think Jesus wanted people to continue lusting, committing adultery, and divorcing?

No, he loved people the way they were; but refused to leave them that way. Certainly, he would not affirm their immoral actions. Neither will I; and neither should anyone--especially in under the guise of "love".

Perhaps you should read this post before passing judgement and using escalated rhetoric like hate: Christians and Homosexuals
I never said anything about hate, what i am talking about is love- your job is not to judge a gay person, it is to love them. It is God's job to judge everyone, not yours...why is that so hard to understand? Why? Why can't you just love people? You would get so much further and make more progress if you just loved people and let God do the judging.

Also another thing you don't acknowledge is that EVERY person has the right to live their life as they want- God gave us that choice, remember? God created all of us with a free will. So let people live their lives how they think is right. Absolutely you should put your beliefs out there for people who want to hear them, but don't shove it down our throats. If you don't like homosexuality, great. If you don't like abortion, great. If you don't like divorce, great- then don't do it. But if you believe in killing people and judging people because they don't think like you do, you are worse than the "sinners" you accuse because you are then a sinner and a hypocrite.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...
First, I'd like to point out your reliance upon emotive words. Rhetoric gets us nowhere. "If you hate gays so much," and "But if you believe in killing people and judging people because they don't think like you do".

I disagree with you that love means acceptance of all behavior. In fact, love means we must reject some behaviors. Because we love our children, we refuse to allow them to stick metal objects in the electrical outlets.

The love motive causes us to reject the behaviors that are destructive.

I didn't write the Bible. But, if I take what it says seriously, imagine how seriously the Author takes it.
We should reject certain behaviors. For example, being a moralist busybody is not an acceptable behavior.
I understand completely what you are saying as to you thinking homosexuality is wrong- and yes i understand how you interpret the Bible. That is not my point of contention. I will state it another way...yes, Jesus told the woman to go sin no more, but that is the point- it is JESUS' job to do that, not you. I know this is hard to comprehend, but you are not JESUS or the "Author." It isn't any of your jobs to tell people to sin or not.

As to the anonymous posting...yes i am a coward. I am not ashamed by any means... But do you know why i am afraid? Just this past weekend I was physically threatened by a group of "Christian" kids at a restaurant as I walked by to go the bathroom...and by a threat i mean "this world would be better off if all of those faggots were dead"...i am terrified of being beaten, killed or humiliated by your kind. So sad...i grew up in a devout Christian home and my family feels the same way you do...just so sad. On most days it just breaks my heart and makes me cry. But keep doing what your doing and know you are winning you are killing us and breaking our hearts and making us feel completely worthless. I hope that makes you feel better.
"It isn't any of your jobs to tell people to sin or not."

Well, I certainly won't be telling you to sin.

If you meant to say "It isn't any of your jobs to telling people what is sin or not," well, we have a disagreement. Of course, I base that on the Bible,

"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great paitence and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you...do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."

To whom shall we listen?
"It isn't any of your jobs to tell people to sin or not."

Well, I certainly won't be telling you to sin.

If you meant to say "It isn't any of your jobs to be telling people what is sin or not," well, we have a disagreement. Of course, I base that on the Bible:

"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great paitence and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you...do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:2-5

Additionally, "Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all" 1 Timothy 5:20

But, when we rebuke sin, Christians are to have the perspective that Paul describes for himself: It is a trustworty statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all" 1 Timothy 1:15

If sin is bad and separates you from God, isn't it loving to humbly say, "I know what it's like to be a sinner. But, I know that God forgive sinful deeds through faith in Jesus Christ."
I think the debate is here..

Should we stand up for what God looks at as being IMMORAL and WRONG?

someone has to..otherwise where would the distinction be betweeen the people of God and people who dont know God??
The distinction should be- love. You know the song..."they will know we are Christians by our love.." That is our first command, to love. Not judging. Your job is NOT to interpret sin, it is to love. Christians are the only ones who don't get that. Do you realize that if Christians actually lived what they preached, every person on this planet would be clothed, fed, housed and taken care of? What do you think that would do for crime, poverty, abusive behavior, teen pregnancy and the other social ills. If you all would focus half of the energy you spend on telling people how bad they are onto actually loving people and meeting their needs, what a different place this world would be? If you would get off worrying about what i do in my bedroom, and do something to love people, imagine the impact. If all of this is "sin", which it isn't, then that is between ME and GOD, not you. I beg of you all, be real Christians and LOVE your neighbor and leave the judging to God.

I appreciate you coming back. Sincerely, this is an important discussion and I'm glad you're wiling to engage in it. With that said...

First, I'm a sinner and without God's grace would be condemned to hell for eternity. I'm just trying to make it just like everyone else. I do attempt to use the Bible to direct my actions, when I fall short of it, I pray for forgivenss--again, dependent upon grace.

While I agree that the Bible says that we are love God and love one another. However, I must say that there is so much in your statement that I disagree with. But, I'd like to ask you a few questions.

First, how do you decide what is right and wrong? And, as a follow-up, is anything wrong with anything?

Do you think love means that one person must endorse all the actions of another? And a follow-up: If God loves us, is he therefore required to endorse all of our actions?

Do you think God acknowledges a right to privacy?

Do you think that if those who are Christians acted like it more, then sinners would stop sinning?

Why do you think the Bible says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness" if indeed we are not to use to do so?
Hey anonymous, Don't trip! Calm down. It seems to be OK for the world to make all their comments about Christians but, when Christians make their comments it's labled either judging or hate. They want to put duct tape over our mouths so bad.

In a way I understand because I hated Christians with a double passion 'till I realized that Christians are people. Some are hipocrites, some are liars and some are really struggling to live for God. I gave my heart to Jesus Christ at 25 years old. I did it at home alone watching a TV program when I felt a love I had never felt before, certainly not from the Christian freaks I'd bumped into all my life. Actually, at first I thought I was watching "Saturday Night Live". Let me tell you, If I was inlove with you, I would be a freak for you and only you but, I fell inlove with this Jesus guy, Son of the Living God and I'm now a freak for Him. The only reason my life has changed is because I believe what I have read in the Bible. You might think I'm stupid or whatever but, this is no joke, it's the real deal.

These Christian freaks can't tell me what to do 'cause they've all got their faults just like me. But don't mess with my God and His Word, the Bible, it's the real deal. I feel it in my heart and if you don't... well that's your perrogative. You see, I was the coolest Butch in town and when people found out about my new life with Christ, some came to see if I would come back or just told me they would wait for me to get over this. I told God, dang, they don't believe me, and I cried and asked Him to do the same thing for them like He did for me. He told me He can't force Himself on someone just keep telling them about Me and the ones who will come will and the ones who won't won't. Jesus loves you, He is life. I hope I didn't offend anybody but, I don't know what else to say!
It seems to be OK for the world to make all their comments about Christians

Ok to who? Your side does its share of name-calling and complaining.

I get so sick of the Christian obsession with being oppressed. I mean it's not like every single American president hasn't been an open adherent of your religion. Yeah, you're so oppressed.
"Ok to who? Your side does its share of name-calling and complaining."

Please list some examples of name calling... I'm interested.
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